Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Flawed audit system - Need to make them truly independent

Our auditing system is flawed. How can the auditing firm write the true facts in their report when they will be forced to approach the same company's management for receiving their auditing fees? We have to change this if we need to safeguard public money deposited in our banks and safeguard in interests of the shareholders who believe the published reports and the audit reports to make the investment decisions.

The way forward should be the the Registrar of companies should play a part in payment of audit fees to the auditing firm. Depending on the size(there could be other parameters) of the company being audited, ROC should fix the audit fees and the payment has to be released automatically when the audit report is submitted. To further streamline this process the audit report should be submitted on-line to ROC's website then amendments if any after consulting the company's management should also be uploaded to the ROC's website. This way there will be a complete audit trail of the changes in the audit report.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Need more Nilekanis to revolutionise irrigation in our country

It is nice to see that corporate India is getting actively involved in shaping the future of our country. It is indeed commendable that Nilekani took up the responsibility of getting every Indian a unique identification number. He might have choosen to go to UK or US and enjoy the rest of his life. But he decided to do something about setting things right in our country..

There is one more area where Dr. Manmohan Singh has to find a dedicated person to lead. That area is that of agriculture & irrigation. Even though crores of tax rupees are spent on these projects every year the results are negligible owing to piferage and mis use of funds. we need someone like Nilekani to take leadership and make our country reap the benifits of ample rain fall that our country gets annually and improve the lives of millions of Indians who are dependent on agriculture. One important aspect of setting right irrigation is that of linking the rivers of north with the south. This will bring down the instances of natural desasters that our country faces every year and the assoiciated loss of life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Can we make full use of our roads!

You must have seen road widening projects happening all over your city. Did you notice much change in traffic after the widening has happened. In most cases you will not as the widened portion will be taken up by trucks, Autos, tempos etc,. What should be done?

Privatise Traffic & parking rules enforcement. This will not only start a new line of business but also keep the BMC/ Traffic department's budgets in control while keeping the vehicles moving smoothly.